Civil Service Exam Reviewers | Verbal Ability | Set 1

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CS Exam Coverage (Prof and Sub Prof)

1] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) Sir Josef Brondial, the Spanish Consul-General, accompanied by his wife, were at the party.
b) Sir Josef Brondial, the Spanish Consul-General, accompanied by the wife, were at the party.
c) Sir Josef Brondial, the Spanish Consul-General, accompanied by his wife, was at the party.
d) Sir Josef Brondial, the Spanish Consul-General, accompanied by his wife, is at the party.

2] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) We could go to the beach if it wasn’t so hot.
b) We could go to the beach if it weren’t so hot.
c) We could go to the beach if it is weren’t so hot.
d) We could go to the beach if it is not so hot.

3] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) Fatima Ruth promised she would come.
b) Fatima Ruth promised she will come.
c) Fatima Ruth promised that she will come.
d) Fatima Ruth promised that she is to come.

4] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) I am a Filipino and so is she.
b) I am a Filipino and so she is also.
c) I am a Filipino too and so she also is.
d) I am a Filipino and she also.

5] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) Alberto ignored the traffic enforcers signal that he stop.
b) Alberto ignored the traffic enforcer’s signal that he stop.
c) Alberto ignored the traffic enforcer the signal that he is to stop.
d) Alberto ignored the traffic enforcer of the signal that he to stop.

6] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) She’s been there before, isn’t she?
b) She’s been there before, is she?
c) She’s been there before, hasn’t she?
d) She’s been there before, didn’t she?

7] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) How can Bernice blame you and he for the miscommunication?
b) How can Bernice blame both you and him for the miscommunication?
c) How can Bernice blame you and him for the miscommunication?
d) How can Bernice blame you and him also for the miscommunication?

8] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) Neither of them are experts on the subject matter of the “Big-Bang Theory.”
b) Neither one of them are experts on the subject matter of the “Big-Bang Theory.”
c) Neither of them is an expert on the subject matter of the “Big-Bang Theory.”
d) Neither of them is expert in subject matter of the “Big-Bang Theory.”

9] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) The more you practice, the more you will get better.
b) The more you practice, the better you get.
c) The better you practice, the more you get better.
d) The more you practice, the better you will get.

10] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) The reason the proposal was rejected was because it was not economically viable.
b) The reason the proposal is rejected was that it is not economically viable.
c) The reason the proposal was rejected was that it was not economically viable.
d) The reason the proposal is rejected is because it is not economically viable.

11] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) Having stole the money, the police searched the thief.
b) Having stolen the money, the thief was searched by the police.
c) Having stolen the money, the police searched the thief.
d) The money having stolen by the thief, he was searched by the police.

12] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) When this war is over, no nation will either be isolated in war or peace.
b) When this war is over, no nation will be either isolated in war or peace.
c) When this war is over, no nation will be isolated in neither war nor peace.
d) When this war is over, no nation will be isolated either in war or in peace.

13] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) Today, this is a totally different world than we have seen in the last decade.
b) Today, this is a totally different world from what we have seen in the last decade.
c) Today, this is a totally different world from what we seen in the last decade.
d) Today, this is a totally different world than what we saw in the last decade

14] Choose the correct answer from the choices given.
a) A far viewing both movies, John agreed that the first one is the best of the two.
b) After viewing both movies, John agreed that the first was the best of the two.
c) After viewing both movies, John agreed that the first one was the better of the two.
d) After viewing both movies, John agreed that of the two, the better one was the first.

15] The measure of choosing well is whether or not man likes what he __________.
a) chose
b) has chosen
c) choose
d) is choosing

16] Professional marketing consultants know their products thoroughly and _________.
a) study market trends
b) they analyze market trends
c) analyze market trends
d) realize better market trends

17] The family of Ms. Victoria Sanchez does not live here _______.
a) no more
b) any more
c) anymore
d) any longer

18] Almost two thirds of the population today _________ poor.
a) Is
b) are
c) has been
d) were

19] As the conductor left the ________, audience clamored for more.
a) Platform
b) podium
c) stage
d) stand

20] The ________ that, for various reasons, girls spent less time working with computers than boys.
a) Studies revealing
b) Studies reveal
c) Studies revealed
d) Studies have been

21] “He has been absent for three days because he is _________ ¬¬¬ measles.”
a) affected with
b) afflicted with
c) afflicted of
d) affected with

22] _________ to our appeal for consideration. The Board of Discipline will not give us any extension for filling additional evidence.
a) as regards
b) in regards
c) with regard
d) with regards as

23] Everyone in the field of entertainment_________ to watch the FAMAS Awards
a) was excited
b) were certainly excited
c) is certainly excited
d) are certainly excited

24] After 8 fruitful years. Antonino finally quit his job. He ________ along with his Immediate boss a long time before he finally decided to look for a new job.
a) didn’t get
b) isn’t getting
c) hasn’t been getting
d) hadn’t been getting

25] Many years of intensive language study are required for immigrant speakers. Antonio ___________ French for 3 years, but he still need more training before he masters it.
a) will have been studying
b) will be studying
c) has been studying
d) have been studying

Question NumberAnswer
1c) Sir Josef Brondial, the Spanish Consul-General, accompanied by his wife, was at the party.
2b) We could go to the beach if it weren’t so hot.
3a) Fatima Ruth promised she would come.
4a) I am a Filipino and so is she.
5b) Alberto ignored the traffic enforcer’s signal that he stop.
6c) She’s been there before, hasn’t she?
7c) How can Bernice blame you and him for the miscommunication?
8c) Neither of them is an expert on the subject matter of the “Big-Bang Theory.”
9d) The more you practice, the better you will get.
10c) The reason the proposal was rejected was that it was not economically viable.
11b) Having stolen the money, the thief was searched by the police.
12d) When this war is over, no nation will be isolated either in war or in peace.
13b) Today, this is a totally different world from what we have seen in the last decade.
14c) After viewing both movies, John agreed that the first one was the better of the two.
15b) has chosen
16c) analyze market trends
17c) anymore
18a) Is
19a) Platform
20c) Studies revealed
21c) afflicted of
22d) with regards as
23c) is certainly excited
24c) hasn’t been getting
25c) has been studying